Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

The duration of each presentation is 20 minutes including discussion. Authors should limit their presentation to 15 minutes to allow for 5 minutes of questions.

Preparation of visuals

Please note that you must bring the presentation on a USB memory stick in order to transfer it to the computer in the presentation room. Files can be uploaded to the computer during the breaks between the sessions. To avoid software compatibility problems, speakers are advised to put .ppt, .pptx and .pdf versions of their presentation on the USB stick. Authors opting to include movies embedded in their presentations are encouraged to get in touch with meeting organizers early to ensure that they can be played. Authors are encouraged to have back-up animations saved as separate files in standard video file extensions (MP4, MOV, AVI, WMV, FLV). In addition, avoid using non-standard fonts to ensure capability. Speakers should arrive in the session room 10 minutes BEFORE the start of their session and identify themselves to the Session Chair.

Remote oral presentations

Those speakers needing to give their oral presentation remotely may do so live, but in order to mitigate potential problems with internet connections, remote speakers must also send a video recording of their presentation to no later than May 17, 2023.

Poster Presentations

The maximum size a poster may be is 40 inches/101 cm (length) x 30 inches/76 cm (width). The poster title, author(s)’s name(s) and affiliation(s) should be placed at the top of the poster.

The workshop will provide either tape or push pins for mounting the poster on the board. Poster presenters are responsible for mounting and removing their posters themselves.

For authors opting to print their posters upon their arrival to Colorado, a number of options are available in the local Boulder area including:

1) FedEx:

2) UPS:

3) Digital Frontier:

Authors are requested to co-ordinate poster printing directly with the vendors of their choice.

Remote poster presentations

Those who need to present their poster remotely will be given the option of a 1-2 minute ‘elevator pitch’ during the poster session. Remote posters will be presented electronically. Please send a pdf of your remote poster presentation to no later than May 17, 2023.